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Bone Key
The key to Lighthouse Dungeon 5F.

BTEtc.Item Etc. Items
Sell Price to Secret Vendors: 0 GoldGold
Sell Price at Black Trader: 5K-30K GoldGold

How to Obtain:
Trade PastalPastal Piece-of-BonePiece of Bone (1) (Chance)

Access to Angel's Gate (Lighthouse Dungeon 5F), where DEVILANGDEVILANG is located.

Related Items:
KeyCaptain's Cabin Key
KeyHallway Key
KeyRusty Key
KeyStorage Key
KeyWarehouse Key

According to RedShana's record, 324 bones had been 310 ashs and 14 bone keys. Rate is around 4.3%.
A piece of bone = 250 GoldGold
A ash = 150 GoldGold
The price of key≈(324*250-310*150)/14 = 2464 GoldGold
But it is very troublesome to make them, so their price is increased.
KimSuhanmu recorded 1665 bones and received 54 keys (3.24% ≈ 3-4%)
